Contact Us

Contact US

The National Wood Flooring Association is an international not-for-profit trade association representing all segments of the hardwood
flooring industry.

The NWFA is located at:
14 Research Park Drive,
St. Charles, MO 63304

You can reach our office by calling 800.422.4556.


The programs and services available to NWFA members are created and maintained by a team of motivated and dedicated individuals.

Stephanie Owen | COO | Email Stephanie
Anita Howard | Email Anita
Dana Rogers | Controller | Email Dana
Sharon Schaller | Membership Director | Email Sharon
Katie Donahue | Departmental Support Specialist | Email Katie
Penny Key | Meeting & Trade Show Director | Email Penny
Heidi Westrom | Event Project Coordinator | Email Heidi
Wes Morgenthaler | Instructional Designer | Email Wes
Brett Miller | VP Technical Standards & Industry Partnerships | Email Brett
Katie Norton | Education & Certification Director | Email Katie
Kjell Nymark | Certification & Training Manager | Email Kjell
Joy Silinsky | Education Events Coordinator | Email Joy
John Forbes | Manufacturer Services Director | Email John
Terry Patton | Technical Services Manager | Email Terry
Libby White Johnston | Publisher & VP Media Relations | Email Libby
Katie Schenk | Advertising & Media Manager | Email Katie
Burt Bollinger | Communications & Marketing Director | Email Burt
Rhonda May | Graphic Design Manager | Email Rhonda
Amy Burris | Digital Marketing Manager | Email Amy
Bridget Norlie | Communications & Engagement Manager | Email Bridget

Important links