The NWFA represents all segments of the wood flooring industry. Learn more about each member type and the specific services we have to offer for each.
As a wood flooring installer and/or sand and finisher, the NWFA’s most valuable resources include, but aren’t limited to, hands-on and online education, six certifications, nationally recognized technical standards, a technical hotline, networking events such as the annual Wood Flooring Expo, and business savings, including $4,000 worth of coupons for tools and products you use every day.
As a wood flooring or wood product manufacturer, the NWFA’s most valuable resources include, but aren’t limited to, the annual Manufacturers Assembly, exhibition opportunities at the Wood Flooring Expo or various member pavilions at other industry trade shows, involvement in the Responsible Procurement Program (RPP), and involvement in NOFMA Certification. Learn more.
As a wood flooring distributor or retailer, the NWFA’s most valuable resources include, but aren’t limited to, hands-on and online education, Sales Advisor certification, consumer marketing materials, networking events such as the annual Wood Flooring Expo, and business savings, including discounts on freight and shipping services.
As a specifier of wood flooring, the NWFA’s most valuable resources include, but aren’t limited to, consumer marketing materials to help you educate homeowner’s on the benefits, selection and maintenance of wood floors, technical standards, continuing education courses, and the annual Wood Flooring Expo where you will see the industry’s latest products and trends.
As a business providing services to the wood flooring industry, the NWFA’s most valuable resources include, but aren’t limited to, access to a motivated and targeted audience, the annual Wood Flooring Expo, and Hardwood Floors magazine.
As a student pursuing a career in wood flooring, the NWFA is your go-to resource for learning more about the industry. Resources include, but are not limited to, hands-on and online education, scholarships, and the annual Wood Flooring Expo.