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Tech Talk Tuesday with Lägler: Waves, Chatter, and Sanding Marks – Causes & Cures

Sanding imperfections seen as drum marks, chatter, wave, side cuts, sanding scratches, or swirl marks are often referred to as Sanding Marks. There are many causes for these sanding marks, some equipment-related, some operation-related, and some could even be caused by site-conditions. Join Marc Schulz with Lägler, from their headquarters in Germany, as he focuses …

Tech Talk Tuesday with Mid TN Lumber: Jobsite Troubles and Corrections

Join industry veteran, Wayne Lee of Middle TN Lumber and Brett Miller of NWFA, as they discuss some of the more common jobsite troubles and corrections. During this webinar you will be able to engage with Wayne and Brett as they lead the discussion on proper site conditions prior to wood flooring delivery, sub-floor preparation, …